Other Cool Stuff

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Tailgate Web

It’s a little intimidating to talk about dog training.  There are so many men and women out there who are such good “dog whisperers”- I can’t hold a candle to them.  But, I do know and use a few techniques that work for me…..

Touch- Good work is rewarded with a stroke down the side of the body or along the side of the head.  Not excessive- just enough for the dog to know you are pleased. They love it!  Watch momma-dog with her pups.  Where does she lick them and touch them? Along the side of the face. 

Voice- Tone and cadence are very important.  Initially, all they hear is “blah, blah, Ace, blah, blah!”.  But soon, they get the gist of what it is you want.  They will respond to the praise- “Good, Boy!”, “Let’s Go, Buddy.”, “Look in there, buddy!”.  They will also respond to “You short-tailed, spotted, snub-nosed, shaggy-eared mutt!  Get away from that skunk!” when delivered with the proper tone!

Probably the most important technique for me is consistency and repetition.  Make it the same every time and do it the same every time- and do it over and over. 

One reason I enjoy my dogs so much is because all they want to do is please me.   No other living creature can say that.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

I love the Fall!


This is what I am forced to look at in the mornings, this time of year!  Don’t feel sorry for me- really!

The only thing that could make that scene more perfect is my Ace dog on point- just visible in the fog…yeah.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

One Big CAT.....


I got an email about how this Cougar was shot in SD after stalking a hunter.  Hey, I “ain’t skeered”! THIS is what I use to protect me in the woods.  “A big kitty…… C’mon, give me a break!”


Monday, November 9, 2009

Yeah, the old man still has it!  This is Bo at 11+ years old with a Grouse he retrieved.  It's fun to watch the wise, old guy work- not a step wasted.

Here's Ace and me in a ND wheat field.  The CRP comes right up to the edge.  Lots of birds this year- lots of good hunting.

Monday, November 2, 2009

It works great! Keep your birds frozen!

I had the usual dilemma of bird hunter everywhere- how do I get the harvest home without spoiling or defrosting? Last year, on my way home from Kansas after duck hunting with some great friends, I stopped in the WallyWorld in Pratt, KS. The were selling dry Ice. I gave it some thought and bought 10# to lay on the top of my frozen birds. It worked great- kept them solid for 2 more days until I could get them home.

This year, going from ND to WI for more bird hunting, I had a cooler with my Pheasant possession limit in the back and needed them to stay frozen for 5 more days. A quick search located a dry ice retailer in Fargo, ND. 30# this time kept them frozen from Tuesday until Saturday. The guy in Fargo was only a mile off the interstate and didn't slow me down much.

It isn't that cheap- about $1/lb., but I think it's worth it to keep the catch fresh. They wrap it in heavy brown paper and give you a warning about breathing it (for the moron). Definitely worth the extra effort.