Other Cool Stuff

Monday, June 28, 2010

Getting Ready

Working with the pups (Three of them!  What was I thinking?) always gets me in the daydream mode. First hunt this year will be for Sharpies and Chukar out west in Montana and Idaho.  This will be no place for a newbie, but the boys are going along for the experience anyway.  I tell my hunting partners that if a busted up bird by one of my pups is going to upset them, they'll need to hunt somewhere else. Contrary to popular belief, this trip, and all trips, are about the man-dog interface, with the emphasis on the dog.  I love to see the pups work!  So eager and fast.....

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Which One Loves You More?

"He sure does love you!" she said.  "I think he loves you more than anyone loves you, except me!" she said.  Well, I said, let's do a test and see which one of you loves me more.  No problem, she said.

So, I took them both out to my car and locked them both in the trunk.  When I opened the trunk a few hours later, which one do you think was happier to see me?

Friday, June 25, 2010

Wonderful Day Boss!

Wouldn't you like to be able to approach every day with that sense of wonderful expectation of a dog?

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hunt Planning

This time of year is full of contradictions.  On the one hand, it's hotter than four hells and I'm cutting grass every week (not to mention trying to sell Real Estate in the worst market in the history of advanced civilization).  On the other hand, I'm beginning to plan my first hunt in September.  Some other guys and I are headed to hunt Sharpies in MT and then, perhaps, Chukar in ID.  Can't wait.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Hunt or Play Hunt

(Bo and Me in AZ at Coon Creek)

I do NSTRA field trials and I put out birds on my farm to train my dogs. But, my focus is always on my dog(s) on wild birds. I'm always training with that in mind. Many think the field trial or preserve hunt is not merely a training tool for or a pleasant interlude until the hunt- but is the end itself. My friends, look to the hunt on wild birds! Want to get your dog excited again? Try it.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Need some HELP!

OK, here's the deal.  I have 4 pups.  I keep any one of the four.  Jim gets any one of the remaining three (he wants a horseback trial type dog- bloodlines and performance of sire and dam indicate good potential for that in the males).  So, bottom line is, I have to decide which one for sure to keep.  Just to start.  I haven't marketed the dogs at all, but I have one for-sure buyer and one who's leaning hard to buy. So, one for me, one for Jim, one for Carter (male). That leaves the female (which I will keep in a heartbeat).  Here's where I need the help.  Choosing which one I want.  The boldest, most advanced and best looking tail is Hoss (not real name- identities are protected-lol).  Number 2 is Half Tail and he's physically identical- different coloration.  Number 3 is Pretty Boy- a tad smaller, much better looking, a shade less dominant than the other 2 males. Tails are all straight up!  Which one to keep. Is bolder better?  I have my own opinions- what are your thoughts?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Problem Looming

Well, they told me I shouldn't get too attached to the pups..... But, if it were up to me, I'd keep them all.  I know of some hunters who are legendary for putting a whole passel of dogs on the ground at once and heading out.  I can visualize that with this litter and Ace and Bandit and Ruby, too.  7 Brits-  yowee!  I know they have to go, but..

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Pups at 5 weeks

They are so much fun! They are almost weaned and chowing down on ProPlan Puppy chow. One (or two) of them will be chasing birds in Montana in September. Auditions held daily.

Friday, June 4, 2010

Chow Time for the Hog Dogs

Here are the Brits at 4 weeks old.  They love even the dry Pro Plan Puppy Food.  Harry, Larry, Curly and Moe!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

New Pups 3 Weeks

I love little pups!  They are all piss and vinegar right now.  One of them even growls and woofs me (then runs under momma).  The single pup is the only female and she's beautiful.  I'd keep them all, if I could!