Other Cool Stuff

Friday, December 31, 2010

Dog Den 2

Dog Den 2
My Dogden2. Easy to put together and the dogs appreciate it. It took me about 30 minutes to put this one together, and that was including all the fumbling around time looking for tools and cutting the 2X4's.  I have two more to go, but ran out of treated wood- and Home Depot closed early for New Year's Eve-('sup with that?).  Anyway, I'm betting they will be open tomorrow and I'll finish the other two.  It warmed up today (a warm 60 and sunshine), but the rain will be here tomorrow and the cold weather with it.  So far, I am impressed with the materials and workmanship and the dogs jumped right in.  I bought a heated one for my old dog which will serve as a puppy pen,  I'm sure.  Also, I'll always have one "old dog" around that will appreciate the warmth on those cold nights.