Other Cool Stuff

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Last Day

The effort to achieve the Grand Slam of New Mexico quail, Scaled, Mearns, Gambels and Bobwhite, fell short today. Although we visited areas that produced Bobs in the past, the weather and drought worked against us. The temperature never hit 45 degrees and the wind velocity hovered at 30 mph with gusts to 50!! The pictures show the dust storm coming out of the desert as we drove to the hunting area. We did manage to find a good sized covey in the morning, but not Bobwhites. By late afternoon, we realized the area drought more severely affected the Bobwhite than the Scaled (Blue) Quail. We never laid eyes on Mr. Bob all day. Maybe in another year, there will be another chance.

Bob, Robert and I finished up with our top dogs on the ground, the temperature dropping and wind howling. We managed to scrape together some fine China goblets for a toast to good fellowship, bird dogs and quail. Another bird season is in the books, as we packed up and headed home with worn boots, scrawny dogs and empty wallets. Plans for a new puppy, with a breeding of Ace to Ruby, were discussed, as well as a stop by the Jones Trailer store in Woodson, TX for minor trailer fix-ups.

Georgia on my mind...