Other Cool Stuff

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Get Your Dog in Shape! He goes 10X farther than you!

Ace (B/M), ready to go! 

To my mind, the very best method to get old Buck in shape for the upcoming bird season is "roading"- a method by which a dog will run and pull on a heavy object at the same time.  The benefits to the muscles and cardiovascular system are tremendous, in a short time. Brian Lynn, at Outdoor Life Magazine, just published an excellent article about dog conditioning, in general, and roading, in particular. (Click HERE to see the article.)  

I've made a few roading videos over the years viewable on YouTube. (Click HERE to view.) 

I highly encourage you to use some form of roading in your dog's conditioning.  Off a bicycle, perhaps.  I don't have the numbers, but I would be confident saying roading is more than double the benefit of letting your dog run free. My dogs really enjoy it, which is another mystery of life.