Other Cool Stuff

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Moving the Operation

I am always amazed at the beauty of this area. I feel like I'm the only one on the road through Yellowstone this morning. 

I did some checking and, apparently, a mere 7 hours away, Valley Quail are running amok in Idaho. Desperate farmers need a volunteer to thin the herd. I put it to the boys, and the results were unanimous-Idaho, it is!  

Along the Bozeman Trail, the terrain is challenging enough, but throw 60 mph gusts on the nose in the formula and it's a lot of fun. This route is the fastest way to get to where I'm going I Idaho. "You need to go through Yellowstone?"  Yeah.  It's tough duty, but someone has to do it!  

Here's something one doesn't see everyday! A bull moose following a cow and throwing caution to the wind. He's right on the road!  (Women! Right?)

Once again. My own private piece of America this fine Sunday morning!