Other Cool Stuff

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Dog Porn. What gets a bird hunter breathing hard and fast with a faraway look and a dreamy smile?

Yes. I said the "P" word. Right here on the family channel.  We bird hunters can look at pictures like this and get excited about next year, this year, dogs we have, dogs we had, dogs, we want and dogs we wish we could afford.  We see thickets with bobs and woods with Ruffs, ditches with Roosters, rock faces with red legged devils and sage brush with chuckling grouse.  Dogs that work close and dogs that work the ridges, but always dogs that work as long as we let them and always want just a little bit more. 

By Bob Bertram

There aren't many that can catch the look in a dog's eyes like Bob.  If you've had a dog like this one, you know what he's thinking.  You would bet whatever you are driving and whatever your are shooting there are birds in front of that nose.  It doesn't lie.  How do you catch that attitude in a two dimensional medium?  I guess that's why I'm the traveling bird hunter, and Bob's the artist!  I have his stuff on the wall of my den.  I'll be getting more in the future. Take look at what he has.  Someday, my dogs will be on list for him to paint....someday.  Facebook "The Art of Bob Bertram".