Other Cool Stuff

Thursday, June 3, 2021

Endless October- Season 2 Bird Dogs, Stories, and the Traveling Bird Hunter

The Proof is here!  Look for it on Amazon mid-June.


Endless October Season 2 (Proof)


This book is dedicated to the everyday bird hunters. The men or women who buy a dog, train it, and hunt it. They overcome fear, uncertainty, and financial obstacles along the way. They fear failure, training the wrong way, and lost or hurt dogs. They experience uncertainty about where to hunt, how to hunt, how to shoot, and how to handle and care for the dog. They have financial obstacles in buying equipment, guns, trucks, and traveling. And, despite all that, they load up, drive out, put dogs out, and, overcome a real fear of the unknown day ahead with a dog on the ground. They slide a few shells into their shotgun, turn into the cold breeze, and step forward into a brand-new adventure. They don’t field trial, blog, post, message, video, or share. They bond with their dog to become a predator team. They harvest the bounty that God provides, and they put meat on the table. This book is for them. 

Email me at: endlessoctoberbook@gmail.com for a signed and/or personalized copy!


CLICK HERE to go to Amazon for the first season!

